Welcome to NAB Torrents.
This site hosts the first ever Nerf Arena Blast community pack, featuring every Map, Mod, Texture, and Update created for Nerf Arena Blast. You can simply install NAB using your disc, then install the Community Pack, and you are ready to go!
NOTE: Nerf Arena Blast must be installed prior to installing the Community Pack.
How do I download the Community Pack?
Simple, Just click on one of the “Download Now” button to start the transfer.
Don't want to download the entire community pack? Just download the "essential" updates so you can play online!
- NAB News Patch
This patch fixes the "News" tab in NAB. It will display the Nerf Arena Blast Community News right in your game. Download the patch if you already have Nerf Arena Blast v1.2, and the news page doesn't work.
Download Patch 150 KB
- Nerf Arena Blast v1.2 Update
Does Nerf Arena Blast crash every time you try to join into one of the multi-player internet servers? If it does, you need to update your game to the latest version. This update will fix various bugs with NAB and it includes the NAB News Patch as well.
NAB 1.2 Update 11.3 MB
- Nerf ArenaBlast Community Network
Want to talk with other NAB members? Or see the latest happenings in the NAB community? Check out the new site, NerfArena.net